Modern Methods of Education in Twitter With Hashstag

Twitter is the biggest Social Networking Site after existing Facebook. many people from the upper class to understand the current website. twitter itself as the largest social networking site turned out to have an automatic learning method that can be called hashtags. Many people who recognize the method of learning methods on twitter is a great way to develop online education, both between teachers and students and the teacher and someone who is willing to learn through online media.

Many sites online that want an education practitioners conduct online but in fact less so get satisfactory results in the delivery, such explanations can we call Online Edu.

This is not the bottom line and did not rule them all this, there are many sites online which is managed by persons and organizations that deliver learning materials are simple and easy to understand.

Understanding hashtags itself one means that many people use when tweeted the message on Twitter. Symbols that people use to enter the hashtag in a Tweet message is the #. Despite looking a little odd, but is very handy hashtag. Through hashtag, Twitter users ( Tweets ) can find the necessary information, in accordance with the needs. For example, to search for information related to technology and education, Tweeps can use the hashtag # edtech when doing a search on Twitter ( ).

The active Twitter users from the world of education is understanding the benefits of this hashtag. They also created a variety of hashtags. Edudemic site, a site about education and technology, hashtag lists used by educators.

Hashstag on twitter is one of the many modern educational methods used by educators to provide a reference source to students through social media Twitter.